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Energizing. This is a sought-after effect for daytime consumers or for those who want to consume before doing an activity or being social.Uplifting. Many people report that their mood is altered and improves after consuming sativa strains.Increased creativity. For some, consuming a cannabis sativa product can help shift or unblock creativity, or generate new ideas.Mind-expanding. Not limited to creativity, cannabis sativa strains are often thought to direct attention inward for reflection.Sharper focus. Some report that cannabis sativa strains can help ease a distracted mind and concentrate on the task at hand.As a result of these effects, some report that cannabis sativa products offer some relief from symptoms of:

More than 80 percent of consumers on Leafly report relaxing effects. Several reviewers note this strain may initially cause a bit of a giggly euphoria that slowly transforms into deep relaxation.Another favorite among nighttime consumers looking to relax, Purple Punch is violet and has a candy-like grape smell.The verdict on whether cannabis helps or hurts sleep is still mixedTrusted Source, but consumers report these strains help them sleep.

The agency did, however, agree to support additional research on marijuana and make the process easier for researchers."Research is critically needed, because we have to be able to advise patients and doctors on the safe and effective use of cannabis," Bonn-Miller says.He shared some background on medical marijuana's uses and potential side effects.

Why hasn't more research been done? One reason is that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considers marijuana a Schedule I drug, the same as heroin, LSD, and ecstasy, and likely to be abused and lacking in medical value. Because of that, researchers need a special license to study it, says Marcel Bonn-Miller, PhD, a substance abuse specialist at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.That may not change anytime soon. The DEA considered reclassifying marijuana as a Schedule II drug like Ritalin or oxycodone, but decided to keep it as a Schedule I drug.

Zaza Purple Urkle

The rules vary, depending on where you live. Generally, you’ll need to consult with a doctor and have a condition that your state has approved for treatment with cannabis. You might get an ID card. In some areas, you buy products at a specific store called a dispensary.Doctors don’t know much about the addiction risk for people who use the drug for medical reasons, and it needs more study. But people who use marijuana to get high can go on to have substance misuse issues. The most common problem is dependence. If you’re dependent, you’ll feel withdrawal symptoms if you stop using. If you’re addicted -- a more severe problem -- you’re unable to go without the drug.

Looking to tap into your creative side (or just get out of a rut)? Consider these.Chocolope tends to have a more moderate amount of THC than some of the stronger sativas on this list, giving it slightly more relaxed effects than some of the stronger strains included here.Super Silver Haze has a winning reputation, earning first prize at the High Times Cannabis Cup in 1997, 1998, and 1999. It’s also well loved for its creativity-inducing effects, along with a sense of calm.This energizing, pure sativa is considered by many people a go-to for getting creative juices flowing. It’s the opposite of sedating, with many saying it’s the most energizing strain they’ve tried.

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